Becoming Guernica. Readings on War, Exile and Iconoclasm
Guernica has become an artwork which bears a timeless and universal significance: the outcry against the implacable and criminal destruction of war. However, Guernica still remains an image in dispute, sparking ongoing and pivotal debates, whether it haunts the present with new readings of the past or casts the shadow of the past over an uncertain and menacing present. Becoming Guernica. Readings on War, Exile and Iconoclasm is a programme of monthly lectures formulated and articulated around this point of departure. Scholars from different fields of knowledge are invited to reflect upon the anachronic (belonging to another time) and contemporary (inseparable from the present) latency of the mural painted by Picasso in 1937. Therefore, the series seeks to renew the gazes of the work and spark debate, proposing other interpretations that differ from the established meaning.