“El tapiz de Guernica oculto con una cortina azul en la ONU” (Covering of the tapestry Version of Guernica at the UN)
As this video report details, a tapestry reproduction of Pablo Picasso’s Guernica hangs outside the United Nations (UN) Security Council Chambers in New York and is routinely in the background to television images of diplomats entering and leaving. On February 5, 2003, it was unexpectedly covered by a blue cloth, a blue banner with the UN logo, and a display of council flags in preparation for Secretary of State Colin Powell’s lengthy presentation of the US Government’s claims that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction and military action may be needed to make the country disarm. These claims were later proved to be false. After completing his presentation, Powell and Security Council members walked out past the covered tapestry of Guernica. It was left to the French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin to voice criticism of Powell’s speech in front of the censored version of Guernica.