La 2, Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), October 26, 2006
TVE 2 Noticias reports on the action BIACS no. Arte todos los días (No BIACS. Art Every Day) by the Plataforma de Reflexión sobre Políticas Culturales (Platform of Reflection on Cultural Policies, PRPC)
La 2 Noticias newsreel (RTVE) with images of the action protest by Plataforma de Reflexión sobre Políticas Culturales (Platform of Reflection on Cultural Policies, PRCP) and the banner they unfurled on the façade of La Giralda in Seville bearing the slogan “BIACS no. Arte todos los días (No BIACS. Art Every Day)”.
Reference in the source Archive:
TVE 2 Noticias reports on the action BIACS no. Arte todos los días (No BIACS. Art Every Day) by the Plataforma de Reflexión sobre Políticas Culturales (Platform of Reflection on Cultural Policies, PRPC)