Madrid, 10 June 1981 - Internal institutional documents A letter from Carlos Robles Piquer to Javier Tusell
Madrid, 13 June 1981 - Institutional correspondence Letters from Íñigo Cavero Pablo Picasso's heirs, dated 13 June 1981
Madrid, 13 June 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Álvaro González de Mesa to Javier Tusell
Paris, 12 May 1981 - Institutional correspondence Rafael Fernández Quintanilla's letter to Carlos Robles Piquer
New York, 3 September 1981 - Internal institutional documents Inventory and conservation report on the works collected by New York's Museum of Modern Art to be sent to Spain
Paris, ca. 1981 - Institutional correspondence A communiqué from Rafael Fernández Quintanilla on the viewpoint of Pablo Picasso's heirs
Madrid, 4 February 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Javier Tusell to Íñigo Cavero, dated 4 February 1981
ca. 1981 - Manuscript Comments on the declarations of Blanche Mahler regarding the arrival of Guernica to New York
Salamanca, 22 July 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Mª Teresa Díez de los Ríos to Javier Tusell
Madrid, 19 June 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Carlos Robles Piquer to Javier Tusell, dated 19 June 1981
20 January 1981 - Personal notes A photocopied note on Guernica, written by the director-general of Fine Arts, Javier Tusell, and dated incorrectly as 20 January 1981 when, according to its content, the date is more likely to be 20 August
New York, 8 September 1981 - Internal institutional documents A confidential and private document signed by Álvaro Martínez-Novillo and José María Cabrera in New York
Madrid, 24 September 1981 - Conservation documents A work plan to protect and display Guernica and its sketches in the Casón del Buen Retiro, written by the company Cubiertas and Mzov