New York, 8 April 1981 - Press release and communication A press release from New York's Museum of Modern Art concerning a Spanish delegation's request to send Guernica to Spain
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
New York, 10 August 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Eloise Ricciardelli to Sharon Zane
New York, 10 September 1981 - Internal museum documents An internal letter from Louis Estrada to Eloise Ricciardelli
New York, 31 August 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Richard E. Oldenburg, dated 31 August 1981