Paris, 1937 - Photograph Views of the Spanish Pavilion at the Paris International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life
1937 - Photograph Description of the Spanish Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life
Paris, 1937 - Exhibition catalogue Official catalogue for the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques for Modern Life
Paris, September-October 1937 - Magazines Offical magazine of the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques for Modern Life
Paris, 1937 - Exhibition catalogue Official catalogue of The International Exhibition of Arts and Technology in Modern Life
Oslo, 1938 - Exhibition catalogue Catalogue of the exhibition Henri Matisse, Picasso, G. Braque, Laurens at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
London, 1938 - Exhibition catalogue Catalogue of the exhibition Picasso's Guernica at the New Burlington Galleries
Paris, 1937 - Monographs The International Exhibition of Arts and Technology in Modern Life, Paris, 1937. Official album with colour photographs