12 November 1939
- Brenner, Anita 1
- Abbott, Jere 1
- Ahrend, Evelyn 25
- Anónimo 1
- Backus, Dana C. 1
- Barr Jr., Alfred H. 11
- Beidberg, Anne 1
- Brian, Doris 1
- Busby, W. J. A. 2
- Children's City Campaign 1
- Darrow, Whitney 1
- Dorner, Alexander 1
- East London Advertiser 1
- Frankenstein, Alfred 1
- Frankfurter, Alfred M. 1
- Gans, Howard S. 1
- Gardner, Paul 1
- Godwin, Blake-More 1
- Goodspeed, Charles 1
- Goodspeed, Elizabeth 1
- Guggenheim, Simon 1
- Hadje, Priscilla H. 1
- Heyman, H. 1
- Janis, Sidney 11
- Jarvis, Isabel 3
- Jewel, Edward Alden 1
- Lane, Phyllis 4
- Larrea, Juan 2
- Lifschitz, Ida 1
- Lindstrom, Charles 1
- Mahler, Blanche 3
- Manchester Foodship for Spain 1
- Marceau, Henri 1
- Matisse, Aleksina 1
- McBride, Henry 1
- McCann Morley, Grace L. 5
- Medical Bureau and North American Committee to aid Spanish Democracy 4
- Milliken, William Mathewson 1
- Motion Pictures Artists' Committee 1
- Museum of Modern Art de Nueva York 2
- O'Keefe, Georgia 1
- Olmsted, Duncan 1
- Penrose, Roland 3
- Peterson, Marcelene 3
- Picasso, Pablo 3
- Pollock, Jackson 1
- Reissig, Herman F. 5
- Rich, Daniel Catton 1
- Roberts, Sylvia S. 3
- Rockefeller, Nelson 1
- Roullier, Alice 2
- San Francisco Museum of Art 1
- Schapiro, Meyer 1
- Scheyer, G. E. 1
- Sert, Josep Lluís 2
- Sherman, John 1
- Soby, James Thrall 1
- Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign 5
- Todd, Ruthven 1
- Troya, Francisco de 2
- Watt, Elizabeth 2
- Wessels, Glenn 1
- Whitney, Caspar 1
- Wiegand, Charmion von 1
- Zervos, Christian 4
- See all