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- Aarons, Leroy 3
- Ahrend, Evelyn 2
- Alasko, Richard-Raymond 1
- Alloway, Lawrence 1
- Amestoy, Santos 1
- Angry Arts 1
- Armada, Alfonso 1
- Armengol, Manel 2
- Armero, José Mario 3
- Art Workers' Coalition 6
- Associated American Artists, New York 1
- Atelier Dürrbach 1
- Backus, Dana C. 1
- Bareiss, Walter 1
- Barr Jr., Alfred H. 67
- Barry Kramer 1
- Baume Dürrbach, Jacqueline de la 2
- Beidberg, Anne 1
- Ben Avram, Rachmael 2
- Berg, Robert Von 1
- Blackwood, Michael 1
- Boyer, Louise A. 1
- Brenner, Anita 1
- Brentano, Felix 1
- Brian, Doris 1
- Bunnell, Peter 1
- Cabrera Garrido, José Mª 1
- Chamberlain, Betty 1
- Chipp, Herschel B. 1
- Cirillo, Joan 1
- Courter Osborn, Elodie 2
- Cousins, Judith 1
- Cserna, George 1
- Darby, Eileen 1
- Darrow, Whitney 1
- Denim, Karl 1
- Devree, Howard 1
- Dooley, William Germain 1
- Douglas, Justin 1
- Doyaga, Emilia 1
- Dumas, Roland 2
- Estrada, Louis 1
- Fernández Quintanilla, Rafael 3
- Flaherty, Robert 2
- Frankfurter, Alfred M. 1
- Fraser, Robert 1
- French, John 1
- Goris, Jan-Albert 2
- Gottlieb, William P. 1
- Guezuraga, Gervasio 1
- Guggenheim, Simon 1
- Halley Jr., Donald M. 2
- Hendricks, Jon 2
- Hermida, Jesús 1
- Hooton, Bruce Duff 1
- Informe Semanal 1
- J.M. 1
- Janis, Sidney 2
- Jardot, Maurice 1
- Jarvis, Isabel 1
- Jericho, Joshua 1
- Jewel, Edward Alden 1
- Jones, Betsy 3
- Jones, Caroline 1
- Juliana, Enric 1
- Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry 8
- Kauffman, Michael T. 1
- Keller, Katherine 2
- Koegel, John 6
- Kramer, Hilton 3
- Kush, S.S. 1
- Langui, Émile 1
- Larrea, Juan 6
- Legg, Alicia 1
- Legrand, Leonard 5
- Lieberman, William S. 8
- Lindstrom, Charles 1
- Louchneim, Aline B. 1
- Lowry, Bates 1
- Lytle, Dorothy L. 1
- Mahler, Blanche 2
- Markham, James M. 1
- Martínez Novillo, Álvaro 1
- Mathew, James 1
- Matisse, Aleksina 1
- Mazo, Sara 2
- McBride, Henry 1
- McCausland, Elizabeth 1
- Mee Jr., Charles 1
- Mellquist, Jerome 1
- Menzel, Ingrid 1
- Miguel, Mariano 1
- Miller, Dorothy C. 4
- Milton, Paul R. 1
- Moeller, Pearl L. 2
- Mollet, Guy 1
- Muller, Von Herman 1
- Museum of Modern Art de Nueva York 63
- Nicholson, Constance H. 1
- Nobile, Philip 1
- O'Connor, Geoff 1
- O'Keefe, Georgia 1
- Oldenburg, Richard E. 2
- Oppler, Ellen 2
- Page, George 1
- Peiro, Juan Salvador 1
- Penrose, Roland 1
- Petersen, Rolf 1
- Picasso, Claude 2
- Picasso, Pablo 5
- Potter, Margaret 1
- Queirolo, Pedro S. 1
- Ricciardelli, Eloise 1
- Ripa di Meana, Carlo 1
- Robles Piquer, Carlos 2
- Rockefeller, Nelson 1
- Rockefeller Art Collection 2
- Roob, Rona K. 1
- Rosevear, Cora 1
- Roullier, Alice 1
- Rubin, William 10
- Salvo, Donna de 1
- Saxe, E.L. 1
- Schapiro, Meyer 3
- Schwartz, Joseph 1
- Schwartz, Peter M. 1
- Seckler, Jerome 1
- Sert, Josep Lluís 2
- Shafrazi, Toni 1
- Shaw, Elizabeth 3
- Shein, Ethen 1
- Sholette, Gregory 1
- Shorewood Reproduction Inc. 1
- Singleton, Don 1
- Slade, Paul 1
- Soby, James Thrall 2
- Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign 1
- Sunami, Soichi 2
- Tannenbaum, Allen 1
- Thomas, Hugh 1
- Toche, Jean 2
- Toche, Jean 1
- Troya, Francisco de 1
- Tuck, Lon 1
- Tusell, Javier 2
- Uht, Carol K. 8
- Urrutia, Óscar 2
- Van der Rohe, Mies 1
- Van Doesburg, Nelly (Petro) 4
- Van Raay, Jan 1
- Volkmer, Jean 2
- Watson, Diana K. 1
- Wayne W. Andersen 1
- Webb, Alex 1
- Wheeler, Monroe 2
- Whitney, Caspar 1
- Wiegand, Charmion von 2
- Wiseman, Anne 1
- Zane, Sharon 1
- Zervos, Christian 3
- See all