New York, 19 May 1980 - Institutional correspondence William Rubin's letter to Rafael Fernández Quintanilla, dated 19 May 1980
New York, 17 June 1980 - Institutional correspondence William Rubin's letter to Rafael Fernández Quintanilla, dated 17 June 1980
New York, 20 March 1980 - Internal institutional documents An agreement to deliver Guernica to the Spanish government
10 September 1981 - Internal museum documents Registration sheet for the Picasso works deposited at the Casón, including Guernica
Madrid, January 1982 - Leaflet Didactic leaflet Sección de Arte Siglo XIX, Legado Picasso, Guernica, made by Gabinete Didáctico
New York and Madrid, June 1988 - Institutional correspondence Correspondence between William Rubin and Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez