Internal institutional documents A communiqué from the Spanish government regarding the delivery of Guernica
ca. 1958 - Internal institutional documents Request sheet for the replica Guernica tapestry, to be included in the exhibition La influencia del cubismo en el diseño de tapices (The Influence of Cubism in Tapestry Designs), in Arras
New York, 28 April 1977 - Internal institutional documents Conversation between José Mario Armero and William Rubin
Madrid, 2 September - Internal institutional documents A letter on Guernica by José Mario Armero for the Culture minister, Pío Cabanillas
19 August 1977 - Internal institutional documents Summary of the meeting between José Mario Armero and Roland Dumas
Madrid, 8 November 1977 - Internal institutional documents A letter from José Mario Armero to Pío Cabanillas, dated 8 November 1977
Madrid, 28 December 1977 - Internal institutional documents A letter from José Mario Armero to Pío Cabanillas, dated 28 December 1977
Madrid, 29 December 1977 - Internal institutional documents A letter from José Mario Armero to Pío Cabanillas, dated 29 December 1977
ca. 1977 - Internal institutional documents A communiqué from the Spanish government on its stance over the reclaiming of Guernica