New York, 6 July 1939
Institutional correspondence
7 documents have been found archived in Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York and of type Insurance documents.
Materials by type
- Insurance documents 7
- Institutional correspondence 120
- Internal museum documents 71
- Newspapers 63
- Press release and communication 38
- Photograph 23
- Personal correspondence 12
- Management of reproduction rights 11
- Internal institutional documents 8
- Transport documents 7
- Leaflet 6
- Letter 6
- Manuscript 3
- Conferences and articles 2
- Invitation 2
- Minutes 2
- Postcard 2
- Poster 2
- Conservation documents 1
- Flyer 1
- Magazines 1
- Petition 1
- Press release 1
- Restoration 1
- See all
Archived in
- Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York 7
- Stedelijk Museum Library, Amsterdam 7
- Les Arts Décoratifs, Archives, Paris 3
- Künstlerverbund im Haus der Kunst München e.V. 2
- Rockefeller Archive Center 2
- Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm 1
- Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Archivo Histórico Nacional 1
- The Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University Library 1