San Francisco, 1939 - Photograph Views of the installation of the exhibition Picasso's Guernica at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
London, 1939 - Photograph A speech by Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, on the opening of the exhibition Guernica pictures by Picasso at the Whitechapel Art Gallery
London, 1939 - Photograph A speech by Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, on the opening of the exhibition Guernica pictures by Picasso at the Whitechapel Art Gallery
London, 1939 - Photograph A speech by Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, on the opening of the exhibition Guernica pictures by Picasso at the Whitechapel Art Gallery
New York, 1937 - Photograph View of the work Guernica shown at the exhibition Picasso: Forty Years of His Artat the Museum of Modern Art, New York
New York, 1939 - Exhibition catalogue Catalogue of the exhibition organised by the American Artists' Congress at the Valentine Gallery, for the benefit of Spanish refugees. Signed by Juan Negrín and Julio Álvarez del Vayo
New York, 1939 - Photograph Juan Negrín at the opening of the exhibition Picasso’s Guernica, at the Valentine Gallery
New York, 1939 - Photograph Julio Álvarez del Vayo, state minister, at the opening of the exhibition Picasso’s Guernica, at the Valentine Gallery