This pictorial interpretation pays homage to the plastic nature of Picasso’s Guernica. The artist replicates the size of the canvas, as well as the time frame the work was conceived within, opting for a triptych composition and the use of light and colour akin to that of Picasso. 
Technically speaking, the choice of the oil painting worked in fresco endows the painting with the effects of being in focus and out of focus which, as the artist explains, «somehow returns perspective to the type of Cubist pseudo-perception in some of my works, which, strictly adhering to Cubist principles, must be represented on one sole plane.» 
Thus, Carlos Blanco draws from geometry — and from the dramatism its forms propound — to reflect on the non-hope of human beings. 


© Photographs (in order of appearance): Andrés Vargas Llano, Ricardo Leon and Marina Estacio. Text: Mariana Rey

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