Madrid, 12 Julio 1971 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Juan Antonio Cánovas del Castillo to Florentino Pérez-Embid
Guernica, December 1971 - Institutional correspondence An appeal to participate in a Pablo Picasso homage in Gernika
Paris, 30 October 1971 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Luis López Ballesteros to Alfredo Sánchez Bella
Washington D. C.: The White House, January 17, 1961 - Press release Press Release of farewell address by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
New York: Women Artists in Revolution (W.A.R.), 1971 - Photocopied documents A Documentary Herstory of Women Artists in Revolution
<em>The New York Review of Books</em>, New York, May 6, 1971 - Article “Judgment Deferred on Lieutenant Calley”
Barcelona, January 1961 - Photograph Jaume Sabartés visits the Berenguer de Aguilar Palace, the future site of Museo Picasso in Barcelona
Front page of <em>The Washington Post</em>, Washington D. C., March 30, 1971 - Article “Calley Convicted of 22 Murders”
<em>The New York Times</em>, New York, June 13, 1971, 1 - Article “Vietnam Archive: Pentagon Study Traces 3 Decades of Growing U.S. Involvement”