1956 - Conferences and articles Text by Emil Langui for the exhibition catalogue Guernica, avec 60 études
1956 - Conferences and articles Text by Kahnweiler for the exhibition catalogue Guernica avec 60 études
1982 - Conferences and articles New Guernica: offered to the people of the United States of America through their embassy in Spain
Madrid, 1981 - Conferences and articles Notes on the installation of Guernica and sketches in the Casón del Buen Retiro
Madrid, May to June 1982 - Conferences and articles Lectures on the 19th century and Guernica given as part of the Missions of Art programme held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from May to June 1982
Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, vol. 16, 2010 - Magazines «This is not Guernica…» Press photos from the destruction of Guernica during Spanish Civil War
May 13 - December 12, 2017 - Conferences and articles Becoming Guernica. Readings on War, Exile and Iconoclasm
22 and 23 June 2017 - Conferences and articles Interval 12. Guernica Sequences. The Mural in Documentary Essay Films
November 23 - 24, 2011 - Conferences and articles Timothy J. Clark. Otra mirada al Guernica (Another look at Guernica)
April 8 – May 14, 2013 - Conferences and articles From the Spanish Republic to Exile: The Networks of Spanish Art
8 june, 2012 - Conferences and articles Perpetual Contemporaneity. Reflections on time, crisis and survival in art history
Madrid, 13 de mayo de 2017 - Audio-sound The Body, Feminism and Psychoanalysis. Picasso’s Representation of Women