Archived in
- Rockefeller Archive Center 53
- Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York 43
- Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía 18
- Archivo Histórico del PCE 16
- Iberimage 14
- Agencia EFE 8
- Getty Images 8
- Musée National Picasso-Paris, Fonds Picasso 7
- Alamy Stock Photo 5
- International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam 3
- See all
- Studies for Guernica, itinerant exhibition, USA (1952-1956) 30
- Picasso: Guernica, Tokyo, Kyoto, Kuruma, Nagoya, 1962-1963 11
- A Half Century of Picasso 8
- Guernica. Legado Picasso 7
- Gary International Folk and Art Festival 2
- Guernica, atelier Grands-Augustins 2
- The Spanish Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life, Paris, 1937 2
- Guernica, avec 60 études 1
- Picasso 1
- Picasso: The Love and The Anguish. The Road to Guernica 1
- See all